Parabola Podcast, Episode 10: “Generosity and Service”

Story editor Betsy Cornwell explores our current issue, Generosity and Service, in Parabola‘s monthly twenty-minute podcast.

“Fortunately however, grace is contingent not upon success, but effort, the effort to return the soul from a synthetic state to one uncompounded by the passions; to the likeness of God . . . ”

– Sister Joanna, “The Ladder of Heavenly Unity

Story editor Betsy Cornwell explores our current issue, Generosity and Service, in Parabola‘s monthly twenty-minute podcast. This episode includes excerpts from Sister Joanna’s essay “The Ladder of Heavenly Unity,” as well as Betsy’s examination of figures of service in world mythology.

Please consider supporting this podcast and Parabola Magazine by purchasing a back issue or becoming a subscriber. This podcast is made available for free through SoundCloud and iTunes.

Music: Dreaming, Op. 15 No. 3 (1892), composed by Amy Beach.


By Betsy Cornwell

Betsy Cornwell is the New York Times bestselling author of Mechanica and other novels and teaches at the National University of Ireland. Find more of her work at