The Middle Ground, by William Segal

There is a middle ground, a basic Reality embracing self and Self. It may be called my true nature. To discover what
prevents me from the experience of it, I have only to look at myself, just as I am. […]

Hands, by Robinson Jeffers

Inside a cave in a narrow canyon near Tassajara
The vault of rock is painted with hands,
A multitude of hands in the twilight, a cloud of men’s
palms, no more,
No other picture. […]

Helen Keller, by Langston Hughes

In the dark,
Found light
Brighter than many ever see. […]

Portfolio: Richard Whittaker

One Autumn day in 1976 a question appeared: if I took a photo of something I’d seen that touched my feelings, would the feeling return later when I looked at the print?

How Wisdom Became the Property of the Human Race, by Anonymous (West African)

There once lived, in Fanti-land, a man named Father Anansi. He possessed all the wisdom in the world. People came to him daily for advice and help.

Desire for Truth, by Roger Hawkins

Sick of what it is called
Sick of the names
I dedicate every pore
To what’s here.

The Great Unknown Is Me, Myself: A Conversation with Jacob Needleman

Jacob Needleman’s voice has been prominent in the conversation about man’s inner possibilities for some forty years.

Learning to Die, by Brother David Steindl-Rast

The only point where one can start to talk about anything, including death, is where one finds oneself. And for me this is as a Benedictine monk. In the rule of St. Benedict, the momenta mori has always been important, because one of what St. Benedict calls “the tools of good works” meaning the basic…

The Prayer of Saint Francis

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is discord, union; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be…

Waken, Valkyrie!, by Richard Wagner

Waken, Wala!
Wala! Awake!
From thy long sleep,
Slumberer, wake at my call! […]