Longing for Wholeness: An Interview with Satish Kumar

When you accept the state of being a stranger, you are no longer a stranger. […]

Silence of the Heart, by Richard Temple

Many things in the Philokalia are said about “passions.” This word has not quite the same meaning as it has in ordinary language […]

When I Was Young The Silk, by A. R. Ammons

When I was young the silk
of my mind
hard as a peony head […]

Søren Kierkegaard on Silence and Prayer

As my prayer become more attentive and inward
I had less and less to say.
I finally became completely silent. […]

Like Snow, by Wendell Berry

Suppose we did our work
like the snow, quietly, quietly.
leaving nothing out.
—Wendell Berry

Living Ancestors, by Frederick Franck

“The institution of Living National Treasures was started in the fifties–when Japan’s machine culture was preparing to overtake ours–barely a hundred years after the West had forced the opening up of its insular, agricultural society. The title “Living National Treasure” implies more than mere homage paid to excellence in the traditional crafts. It is just…

Becoming Part of It, by Joseph Epes Brown

In terms of interconnections, a dominant theme in all Native American cultures is that of relationship, or a series of relationships that are always reaching further and further out; relationships within the immediate family reaching out to the extended family, to the band, outward again to the clan, to the tribal group; and relationships do…

Peace Is Every Step, by Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness and the roots of war

Free, by Paul Reps

Paul Reps (1895–1990) was an American artist, poet, and author best known for his pioneering book that helped introduce Zen to the West, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Parabola is honored to have the opportunity to […]

Los Ángeles de Navidad, por Risa Levenson Gold con las ilustraciones de Jean Zaleski

Era un lluvioso y helado atardecer de diciembre en Manhattan unos días antes de Navidad. Esperaba bajo una llovizna persistente el autobús de la Sexta Avenida para que nos llevara a mi y a mis cuatro hijos desde Greenwich hacia el norte de la ciudad hasta nuestro apartamento. Mientras temblábamos de frío tratando de mantenernos…