“Because of You!”, by Lillian Firestone

Among fields of lavender, understanding comes

A Miracle in the Pueblo, by Lillian Firestone

What happened at the Hopi Corn Dance

My Life in the Chair, by Lillian Firestone

I was determined not to let dialysis take over my life. But it already had. […]

The Wizard of Oz as a Parable, by Lillian Firestone

What makes the Wizard of Oz an iconic American tale that has entered into the language? Some expressions are so well known they need no further explanation, as for example “You’re not in Kansas anymore”.

Amma, by Lillian Firestone

The Hindu spiritual teacher known as Amma (“Mother”), or Mata Amritanandamayi, was born to a family of fishermen in southern India in 1953. Today she is popularly known as the “hugging saint” for her practice of embracing all who approach her as she gives darshan, or an “auspicious sight” of a holy person. In addition…

En el Tren a Siberia, por Lillian Firestone

Es difícil para la mayoría de nosotros creer que ambos ángeles y demonios se mezclan con los humanos en la Tierra […]

The Edges Must Be Even: Lessons from a Native American pow-wow, by Lillian Firestone

Reading about Black Elk, Sitting Bull, Geronimo and countless other Indian tribal elders and chiefs made me regret that I would never know them. They had vanished and with them a way of relating to others we can call emotional intelligence. Not the intelligence that rates at the top of the SATs or earns a…

How to Find a Spiritual Teacher, by Lillian Firestone

If you dream of finding a great Teacher, a Master, the operative advice is, “get real.” Great teachers may appear once in a hundred years. …