
Earth as Goddess: A conversation with African healer and guide Baba Mandaza Augustine Kademwa

Earth as Goddess: A conversation with African healer and guide Baba Mandaza Augustine Kademwa

ThanissaraOct 28, 201914 min read

Baba Mandaza Augustine Kademwa, from Zimbabwe, was born a Svikiro (in Shona, his native tongue), a carrier of many earth and water spirits, and a Mondhoro (Lion), one who is in constant prayer on behalf of others. He is guided…


A Conversation with Alexandra Isles

Patty de LlosaSep 9, 20195 min read

Patty de Llosa: The theme for this issue of Parabola is “Seeing,” so can you tell me how you come up with an idea and then turn it into a visual action? Alexandra Isles: Works of fine art have a supernatural quality.…

Dance Around The Golden Calf by Emil Nolde

Worshipping Illusions: An Interview with Marion Woodman

Parabola EditorsApr 13, 201930 min read

Emil Nolde, Dance Around The Golden Calf, 1910 Marion Woodman (1928-2018) has left us a rich legacy of material for those in search of understanding feminine psychology, the soul of the conscious feminine, and the spiritual…

“A Wing And A Prayer,” An Interview with Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori

“A Wing And A Prayer,” An Interview with Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori

Parabola EditorsApr 2, 201912 min read

Katharine Jefferts Schori in 2008 (Wikipedia) On Nov. 4, 2006, at a ceremony in Washington’s National Cathedral, Katharine Jefferts Schori became the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of America. Never before has a woman ascended…

On Hopelessness and Hope: A Conversation with Deep Psychologist Michael Penn

On Hopelessness and Hope: A Conversation with Deep Psychologist Michael Penn

Richard WhittakerOct 27, 201816 min read

Photograph by Rajesh Krishnan Richard Whittaker and Preeta Bansal Around the age of twenty-two, a near-death-experience transformed Michael Penn into a seeker. Following this profound encounter with his own mortality, he began an extensive study of…


To Go Beyond Thought, an Interview with Karen Armstrong

Parabola EditorsSep 9, 202213 min read

One bright spring day, Parabola met with Karen Armstrong  in…

Stroked, by Ram Dass with Rameshwar Das

Stroked, by Ram Dass with Rameshwar Das

Ram Dass with Rameshwar DasJan 31, 202116 min read

“Are you sick?” Jai asked. When I couldn’t articulate a…

Exploring the Frontiers of Science: A Conversation with Leo Piilonen

Exploring the Frontiers of Science: A Conversation with Leo Piilonen

Jim MetznerFeb 26, 201715 min read

I’ve interviewed hundreds of scientists and engineers. Typically there are…

Grace is Here!, A Conversation with Ram Dass

Grace is Here!, A Conversation with Ram Dass

David UlrichMay 18, 201713 min read

Ram Dass. Photograph by David Ulrich…

Jacob Needleman

The Great Unknown Is Me, Myself: A Conversation with Jacob Needleman

Parabola EditorsMar 4, 201632 min read

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Part of an Ancient Story: A Conversation with Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Llewellyn Vaughan-LeeOct 28, 201519 min read

[caption id="attachment_2949" align="alignleft" width="500"] Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee photographed by Richard Whittaker…